The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages
Moscow State Linguistic University


250 WIPO scholarships are awarded to MSLU students and academics 250 WIPO scholarships are awarded to MSLU students and academics
MSLU and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Academy  develop cooperation. This semester, WIPO awarded 250 scholarships to MSLU students and academics for the spring online course DL-450 Intellectual Property Management. It should be noted that MSLU is the only university in Russia that works with the online programs of the WIPO Academy.
MSLU launches cooperation with UNIDO MSLU launches cooperation with UNIDO
On January 25th Veronica Peshkova, one of seven goodwill ambassadors of UNIDO (United Nations Industrial Development Organization), delivered a speech at the academic council assembly of MSLU.
New project with the European Parliament New project with the European Parliament
The Project Office for International Cooperation at the Moscow State University of Linguistics has recently been in active contact with colleagues from the Terminology Coordination Unit of the Directorate General for Translation of the European Parliament.
Rector holds a meeting with students Rector holds a meeting with students
On January 25th the second meeting of MSLU rector Irina Kraeva with students was held. This time the meeting was conducted online.
MSLU and Italo Calvino school signed an agreement MSLU and Italo Calvino school signed an agreement
On January 20, Irina Krayeva, MSLU Rector, Ekaterina Pokholkova, Dean of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting, Irina Shokina, Head of International Department, and Elena Borisova, Head of the Italian Language Department, met with Giuseppe Lo Porto, Head of the Education Department of the Consulate of the Italian Republic in the Russian Federation and Leonardo Romei, director of the school Italo Calvino.
Silk-Road Universities Network (SUN) invites MSLU students  to participate in S-DECOS, WRICOS and PHOCOS 2021.
2020: So far, so close 2020: So far, so close
This unusual year brought a lot of difficulties and grief, but it also brought a lot of happy and interesting moments. Let’s remember the highlights of the year in our traditional New Year’s digest.
MSLU and Allame Tabatabai University (Iran) develop cooperation MSLU and Allame Tabatabai University (Iran) develop cooperation
MSLU and Allame Tabatabai University began a successful partnership signing Agreement on a double degree program for the educational program "Foreign Regional Studies".
MSLU opens a series of meetings with foreign applicants under the "Russian Education Explained" project MSLU opens a series of meetings with foreign applicants under the "Russian Education Explained" project
The virtual platform of the Russian Center for Science and Culture in Brussels hosted a conference with the participation of Moscow State Linguistic University.
MSLU postgraduate's victory in the international competition MSLU postgraduate's victory in the international competition
Pei Li Ming from China, a postgraduate student of the Department of Russian Language and Theory of Literature of MSLU was the second at the International Youth Competition of creative and scientific works in memory of Ivan Bunin in the nomination "Research works dedicated to the life and work of Bunin".
Meeting with the author of «Career planning: resume/CV, cover letter, interview» Meeting with the author of «Career planning: resume/CV, cover letter, interview»
On September 30, MSLU had the honour to receive Peter Mitchell, Head of the Department of Translation and Language Communication of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of Tomsk State University, full member of the Institute of Linguists (Great Britain), practicing translator and consultant on intercultural communication.
7 Bulgarian stories, 7 Bulgarian writers, 7 student translators 7 Bulgarian stories, 7 Bulgarian writers, 7 student translators
September 17: the Library of Foreign Literature named after M.I. Rudomino hosted a presentation of the book "7 Bulgarian stories, 7 Bulgarian writers, 7 student translators", a joint project of MSLU, the Bulgarian Cultural Institute and the Library of Foreign Literature.
Webinar by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) at MSLU Webinar by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) at MSLU
In accordance with the plan of cooperation of our university with WIPO, on September 15, a free WIPO webinar "PCT System: Typical Errors in Filing International Applications and During the International Phase" was organized. The webinar was attended by representatives of the Faculty of Translating and Interpreting, the Institute of International Law and Justice and the Project Office for International Cooperation. A total of 32 students and university staff were trained online.
Visit to the Office of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in Moscow Visit to the Office of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization in Moscow
On September 3, students of the Program for the Training of Interpreters for International Organizations (MSLU), accompanied by Head of the Programme Irina Shokina and curators Varvara Kozlova and Daria Toidze met with office management and translators of the Moscow office of the UN Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), namely Oleg Kobyakov, Director of the FAO Office for Liaison with the Russian Federation, Aleksandr Poddubny, a FAO staff interpreter (graduate of the M. Torez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute), and other staff.
Partnership between MSLU and Pyongyang University of Foreign Studies Partnership between MSLU and Pyongyang University of Foreign Studies
On September 9, 2020, MSLU received representatives of the Embassy of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea in the Russian Federation.
Director of the Italian Institute of Culture visits MSLU Director of the Italian Institute of Culture visits MSLU
On September 8, Daniela Rizzi, newly appointed director of the Italian Institute of Culture of the Italian Embassy in the RF, a renowned slavist, professor at Ca’Foscari, Venice, came to visit MSLU.
MSLU to educate would-be teachers of the Korean Language MSLU to educate would-be teachers of the Korean Language
On September 1, 2020, MSLU opened a new direction for training аuture teachers of the Korean language "Theory and Methods of Teaching Foreign Languages ​​and Cultures." The program enjoys the invaluable support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Korea and Ewha University.
Rector Meets With Students Rector Meets With Students
On January 24, MSLU Rector Irina Kraeva hosted a two-hour long “Rector Chat”, a new format of dialogue with students, in the University Assembly Hall. About 150 students turned out for the event,  prepared with questions and interested in the answers.
UN’s Words of Praise for MSLU Professor UN’s Words of Praise for MSLU Professor
Mr. Sergey Kochetkov, Chief of the Interpretation Service of the Department for General Assembly and Conference Management of the United Nations, has sent a letter of appreciation to Dr. Olga Yevtushenko, professor of the Russian language department at MSLU for her contribution to advanced training of the staff of the Russian Interpretation Section of the UN Secretariat.
MSLU in the Top 10 Universities That Excel in Humanities MSLU in the Top 10 Universities That Excel in Humanities
The RAEX ranking agency has evaluated Russian universities that offer programmes in
Humanities, with MSLU ranking fifth in the TOP 10 schools for humanities and in the top 100
universities in the country.

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