The Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages
Moscow State Linguistic University

MSLU Graduates Pledge Allegiance to the Motherland

On July 22, MSLU graduates who had undergone military training at MSLU's Military Department pledged allegiance to the Motherland and were commissioned as lieutenants in the reserves. 
They solemnly swore to observe and uphold the Constitution of the Russian Federation, to rigorously follow the military statutes and orders of their commanders, to honorably do their military duty, to protect and defend the country's freedom, independence, and its people. 
The newly minted lieutenants were congratulated by MSLU's Acting Rector Irina A.Krayeva, and by instructors and mentors of MSLU's Military Department who wished them faithfully to discharge their duties as army translators/interpreters and officers in the reserves. 
The ceremony ended with the march of the graduates and the Hymn of MSLU's Cadets.

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